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Parent and Behavior Coaching

Frequently, parents struggle with a difficult phase their child is going through, and the usual strategies have not been effective. In these cases, an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure! Some brief, targeted consultation with parents that focuses specifically on what is happening currently can often get families over the hump so that children’s functioning can improve, and the family can get back on a more even keel. Targeting specific behaviors, such as potty training, following directions at home or school, attention, focus, and self-regulation, and getting along with others are just a few of the behaviors on which parents seek guidance.

Consultations can include child/classroom observations when teachers or parents have concerns about specific behaviors a child is exhibiting. It can also consist of classroom observations geared toward supporting teachers as they address difficult times of day, challenging subgroups of children, or other issues that arise in classrooms on a regular basis. Dr. Sarah offers strategies for effective interventions, individualized planning, and improvement of behaviors.