Handwriting Without Tears
Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) is an evidence-based program for teaching handwriting using a multi-sensory approach. Created by Jan Olsen, an occupational therapist who invented the program after helping her own son with handwriting in school, the program now includes handwriting instruction for kindergarten through 5th grade, as well as pre-writing instruction. This program uses developmentally appropriate sequenced instruction for letter formation and writing. Multisensory strategies are used to reinforce learning and make instruction effective (and fun!) for all types of learners. Research has shown that children who complete this program improve their writing skills, as well as build foundational skills for reading and writing.
Handwriting Without Tears can help to teach foundational skills such as pre-writing, letter recognition, and letter formation. It can help with your child’s sizing, neatness, and legibility as letter formation becomes more automatic, as well as sentence structure and conventions. Cursive handwriting instruction is included in the program for grades third through fifth.
Keyboarding Without Tears is a developmental typing program.
Learning Without Tears website: https://www.lwtears.com/
Background of HWT: https://www.lwtears.com/get-know-us?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA35urBhDCARIsAOU7QwnyOYFVXvtE5FAjUPYjdaowUmW0tNT3rWOsdrOJKbuPhu5LpqBcUE4aAthnEALw_wcB